9th Samaritan Contest – SAM.I. youth teams excel in First Aid
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From 18-21 July, 19 teams from 12 organisations and 11 different countries competed in Zabljak, Montenegro at the 9th Samaritan Contest. This year’s competition was jointly hosted by Samaritan International’s members Alfa Centar (Montenegro), IDC (Serbia) and CDI (North Macedonia).
Over the course of 3 days, the youth teams tested not only their theoretical and practical First Aid Competences, but also participated in a creative performance competition under the theme of “Vampire Diaries”.
The youth competed in two age categories 12-15 and 16-21 and had to display their competences in four staged accident scenarios.
The objective of the bi-annual contest is not only to motivate the participating organisations to continuously improve their First Aid training and to learn from each other, but equally important to create a platform for cross-border contacts and friendships among the young participants.
The hosts also offered rich cultural performances with local dances from all three countries, as well as traditional music. Being located just a few kilometers from the deepest canyon in Europe, the Tara River Canyon, participants were able to enjoy a day of rafting together.
Ivo Bonamico, Secretary General of Samaritan International, “I am extremely pleased that we successfully organised another SAM.I competition and once again witnessed the importance of active participation and dedicated humanitarian work. The teams demonstrated a high level of readiness and motivation and, perhaps most importantly, mutual solidarity, support, and unity. Competitions like this highlight the necessity of fostering education, readiness for quick response, and proactivity – regardless of the profession we are in. The high value of this year’s competition was very visible in the many cross-border friendships that have been formed over these days. Congratulations not only to the winning teams, but to all participants, as well as the competition organisers!”
“We are an association that has been working for years on the exchange of knowledge of our member organisations, on their joint development, as well as cross-border cooperation” explains Knut Fleckenstein, President of Samaritan International. “Young people are the ones who will carry on our mission in the future, and I am proud of the teams that participated in this year’s Samaritan Contest.”
More infos, pictures and videos, as well as an overview of the winning teams will be shortly available here: https://www.samaritan-international.eu/contest-2024/
Pictures:WK/Markus Trocker