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Институт за развој на заедницата (CDI, North Macedonia)

cdi-logoThe Community Development Institute (CDI) – Macedonia is a sustainable civil society organization that works on building a democratic and multiethnic society through strengthening the capacities of individuals, organizations, and institutions.

For more than 20 years the CDI implements activities at local, national and international level. In its work, the CDI is addressing the needs and challenges of the citizens living in rural and urban areas in Macedonia by organizing work on common activities.  

The CDI work is divided in several overall program areas:  

  • Capacity building aiming to address various challenges and needs for civil protection
  • Volunteer work for community development and social services
  • Rural development
  • Refugees and internally displaced persons
  • Economic development and social entrepreneurship-targeting unemployed, marginalized, youth and women
  • Non-formal education
  • Inter-ethnic relations as one of the main priorities of the society
  • Other program activities: www.irz.org.mk  

The CDI is founder of several national and international networks in Macedonia and at European level. The activities and services were offered and implemented in countries in Europe, Asia and North America.

Институт за развој на заедницата (CDI, North Macedonia)

Director: Sreten Koceski

Институт за развој на заедницата
Community Development Institute

Marsal Tito 106/7, Tetovo, North Macedonia 1200



Macedonia (FYROM)