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WK’s first aid apps successful

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The White Cross's First-Aid-App. Picture: White CrossThe updated First-Aid-Apps of the White Cross for iPhone, iPad and Android have been available since the end of Summer 2013. Ever since then it has been downloaded 607,000 times!

The apps for three target groups, namely adults, children and infants, are available in German, Italian and English. The apps show first aid measures graphically with the help of 3D models and are therefore easy to understand. Everyone should have first aid measures down pat. The apps make everything as comprehensible as possible and draw attention to crucial details. The content of the apps is in accordance with the current rules of the European Resuciation Council (ERC).

Just recently we received the first very pleasant download statistics: Of the total number of 607,180 downloads, 30 percent were from Italy (including South Tyrol), 15 percent from the United States and the rest came from, in descending order, Germany, Canada, Switzerland, the UK, the Phillipines, Australia, France, Austria, Saudi Arabia and Hong Kong. The free apps of the White Cross seem to have a large international reach.

The apps are available from their respective app stores. You can for instance search for “first aid white cross” or follow one of these links:

iPhone: http://goo.gl/bQuxNW

iPad: http://goo.gl/xmwYZS

Android: http://goo.gl/QHzeZX