Interreg Europe 2014-2020
The program is supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and it aimed at promoting the exchange of experiences, knowledge and best practices among the various partners.
General objectives
Its objective is to help European regions to design and implement regional policies and programmes more effectively. Interreg Europe will contribute to a sustainable and inclusive growth in Europe by knowledge sharing and good practice transfer among actors of regional relevance to improve Regional/Cohesion policy. The overall objective of the INTERREG EUROPE Programme is to assist the implementation of policies and programmes for regional development. The programme will fund interregional cooperation projects which allow partners from different EU Member States, Norway and Switzerland to work together on a shared regional policy issue.
Specific objectives
- Strengthening research, technological development and innovation
- Enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs (Small Medium Enterprises)
- Supporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy in all sectors
- Protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency
Why is it important for Samaritan organizations?
This programme is very important for all the Samaritan organizations active in the border countries because it promotes cross borders cooperation between cities, regions and member states of the European Union in the implementation of share policies and more effectively programs even at social and assistance level.
Last year ASB Schleswig-Holstein and Dänische Volkshilfe won the SAMARITAN’s B.E.S.T. 2013 with a project financed by Interreg fund. The goal of the project was the cross-border deployment of volunteers in the sectors of Medical Service and Visiting Service for the Elderly.
Structure of the Programme
The programme will provide assistance to all European regions through two actions:
Interregional cooperation projects: which allow partners from the different EU Member States, Norway and Switzerland to work together on a shared regional policy issue under the four thematic objectives supported.
Policy learning platforms: These platforms will offer services such as individual advice, peer reviews, thematic seminarsand recommendations on the design and implementation of Structural and Investment Funds programmes.
Application and consultancy
At the moment the are non open Calls for proposals. Probably first call for proposal will be published on march 2015. The call will be published on INTERREG EUROPE website.
Responsible body for the programme
DG for Regional Policy
For more information and details