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Asociácia Samaritánov Slovenskej Republiky (ASSR, Slovakia)

ASSRThe Asociácia Samaritánov Slovenskej Republiky (Association of the Samaritans of the Slovakian Republic), ASSR, was founded on 12 August 2005 and registered at the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovakian Republic.

The main activities of the ASSR, which are carried out in full by volunteers, are the execution of non-governmental rescue services, patient transport and disabled transport services, First Aid training, social services for senior citizens, physically disabled and drug addicts as well as activities in the field of health prevention such as e.g. AIDS prevention. Since January 2009 the ASSR has also offered a home emergency call service for senior citizens. The ASSR is engaged in youth work and has set-up Samaritan clubs in various schools in which the young Samaritans are among others taught in First Aid. With the support of the Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Austria (ASBÖ) the ASSR has set-up a fast task force (Slovak Rapid Response Team SkSRRT) which cooperates closely with the Slovakian Ministry of the Interior and has already taken part in international exercises several times.

The ASSR currently comprises eight so-called district organisations in various regions of Slovakia. It is planned to set-up further ASSR federations. More than 150 members support the association.

Asociácia Samaritánov Slovenskej Republiky (ASSR, Slovakia)

President: Dr. med. Marcel Sedlacko
Director: Renáta Penazzi

Asociácia Samaritánov Slovenskej Republiky
Association of Samaritans of the Slowak Republic - ASSR
Lipová Aleja 1
065 44 Plaveč

Tel.: +421 52 775 68 66

E-Mail: info@as-sr.sk

058 01 Poprad, Slowakei