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Latvijas Samariesu apvieniba (LSA, Latvia)

LSAThe Samaritan Association of Latvia (LSA) was founded in September 1992 with the support of the Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund. LSA is a voluntary, neutral and independent organization that works in the interests of the general public.

Today, LSA is one of the largest non-governmental organizations in Latvia. Almost 700 employees in 17 structural units provide educational, social and medical care services. They carry out various charity projects, i.e. food bank, as well as cooperate with the other organizations in the implementation of such projects. The LSA training centre is an education establishment offering certified first aid, basic care and other training programmes to approximately 20,000 trainees a year. LSA has also been registered as an ambulatory medical care institution providing medical services such as the consultations of medical specialists who are members of the medical commission, as well as medical care at home. LSA has established and ensures the following social services: long-term social care, crisis centre for children and women, overnight shelter, group apartments for persons with deficiencies in their intellectual development, care at home, social alarm and assistants for different services. LSA provides regular help to approximately 5,000 people every month.

With unique and innovative services such as the “Samaritan Mobile Care Complex”, LSA gives elderly people in rural areas the choice to continue living in their own homes. This kind of new social service is a perfect fit for the idea of deinstitutionalisation, as promoted by the EU, and helps the elderly to avoid being forced to move into social care or rehabilitation centres to receive the care they require. Samaritan Mobile Care Complex by LSA was selected as one of 10 finalists in the European Commission’s Social Innovation Competition, out of 1,400 projects from all over Europe.


LSA takes part in various cooperation councils at the level of local municipalities, ministries, the parliament and at international level. 90 members and about 300 volunteers contribute to the successful work of the Samaritan Association of Latvia. LSA was recognized also as the best non-governmental organization in Latvia.

Latvijas Samariesu apvieniba (LSA, Latvia)

Chairperson: Ilze Briede

Director: Andris Berzins

Latvijas Samariesu apvieniba (LSA)
Katolu str.22
LV - 1003 Riga / Latvija

Tel.: +37 1 / 6770 9818
Fax: +37 1 / 6751 8078


Facebook:: http://facebook.com/samariesi
Youtube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0wAV-QMxcyGigPH5UmJNPg
Twitter: www.twitter.com/samariesi_lv

LV-1014, Lettland