The Advisory Committee
The advisory committee meets every two years. It accepts the report of the praesidium, approves the budget, elects the members of the praesidium and the auditor, makes decisions on amendments to the statutes and the admission of new members. The advisory committee is composed of the representatives of the ordinary members and the auditor, the representatives of the extraordinary members that are not entitles to vote and the full members that are not legal entities.
The Presidium
The presidium consisting of five members is responsible for administering the facilities and the assets of the organisation, presenting business and financial reports at the meetings of the advisory committee, supporting the members in their work and ensuring a coordination of international measures for aid.
The presidium of SAMARITAN INTERNATIONAL ensures through its regular meetings the continuous exchange of information and experience between the member organisations. The meetings form a common basis for work in order to coordinate projects and allow common actions.
The General Secretariat
Headquartered in Cologne and with a representative office in Brussels, the General Secretariat coordinates the cooperation of the Samaritan organisations. It provides information about members’ activities and current debates on European level. In addition to developing new cross-border partnerships, the general secretariat represents the interests of SAM.I.’s members towards the European Union.
The Competence Centres
Regular collaboration and exchange of experts in the various fields of activities of the SAM.I. organisations is organised via working groups called Competence Centres (CCs). The CCs work on current challenges and questions in their respective area. This includes practical issues close to the operational level but also extends to the discussion and evaluation of relevant policy developments in an advisory function to the General Secretariat and the Presidium.