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The 2nd working meeting of the EC First Aid in 2014 will take place in Denmark.
First meeting for SAM.I.’s new flood project. February 10-12 in Budapest.
The SAM.I. presidium will meet on February 10 2014 in Budapest.
The next SAMARITAN Contest is taking place from 7th to10th August, 2014, in Italy, hosted by SAM.I. member ANPAS.
„Together for a strong social economy in Europe” is the title of an international conference organized by SOLIDAR partner Volkshilfe Österreich in Vienna.
This project will be carried out in the period from 1.01.2014 to 1.01.2016. The project participants meet in Cologne to discuss all important aspects of the project.
In preparation for SOLIDAR’s Vienna conference in December, SAM.I. members will meet in Copenhagen.
At the end of the ASB anniversary year 2013 “Building the future Conference“ is taking place in Munic. It is open to both ASB staff workers and volunteers and also to German speaking representatives of the SAM.I. member organizations.
On 30 and 31 October 2013, the next meeting of the working group Social Alarm is taking place in the ASB head office in Cologne. ASBÖ, LSA and White Cross have long been member. Other SAM.I. member associations are also cordially invited.
The next regular SAM.I. presidium meeting will be hosted by ASB Austria in Vienna.