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INDRIX: Project kicked off in Rome

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indrix01_imgs_0010On 19 February 2016, the INDRIX project on inclusive disaster resilience held its first meeting in Rome.

INDRIX (Inclusive Disaster Resilience Index) is an EU/DG ECHO co-financed project which will take stock of existing civil protection and disaster relief related initiatives and projects and their effect on resilience. The particular focus is on the resilience of vulnerable groups such as the elderly or people with disabilities. The question is how inclusive improvement efforts for the disaster relief process chain have been thus far and what gaps still remain.

indrix02imgs_0013INDRIX is coordinated by the University of Rome Tor Vergata. The Samaritan organisations ANPASLSAWK as well as the SAM.I. GS. are contributing in their role as aid- and welfare organisations. In addition, Hamburg-based tech company Ubilabs will support the project by visualising the gathered data and in contributing their expertise on the contribution of technology inclusion and inclusive resilience.

indrix03imgs_0020At the first working meeting, the partners discussed the upcoming tasks. As a first scenario analysis, existing projects that fit the scope of INDRIX will be collected. Together with stakeholders from associations for people with disabilities and the elderly, the dimensions of the resilience index will be worked out. The stakeholders will also contribute information on relevant projects that may not be easily found in public databases.

The next meeting will take place in Bolzano at the beginning of June.