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Спілки Самаритян України (SSU, Ukraine)

logo_ssu_0The Ukrainian citizens organisation “Samaritan organisation of the Ukraine” was founded on 27.02.2008. The beginnings of the Samaritan movement in the Ukraine began with the foundation of the Samaritan organisation in Kiev in 1993, whereby the German partner ASB district organisation in Munich provided support as a patron.

The main activities of the SSU with 60 full-time employees and more than 70 volunteers are the training of its members and the population in First Aid and in nursing as well as providing assistance for the disabled, old people, the needy and other people, who are in material or social need. The SSU is also a member of the coordination council of the Ministry of Health of the Ukraine, which is responsible for medical care during the EURO 2012 – here the Samaritans offer First Aid courses and patient transport. Ukrainian organisations have established themselves as a strong and often exclusive provider in the patient and disabled transport, mobile nursing, First Aid general training, help for children and youths. In cooperation with local authorities and public structures as well as through its spokespersons in the Parliament and mass media the SSU makes an effort to influence the drawing up of the social legislation for the benefit of its target groups. The young SSU umbrella organisation deals with the development of strategies and tools for Samaritan organisations and organises training and further training of the personnel.

The CCY currently unites 19 regional and district federations throughout the Ukraine and has around 5,500 members, 18 collective members and 5 initiative groups.

Спілки Самаритян України (SSU, Ukraine)

Chairperson: Igor Luschnikov
Спілки Самаритян України
Spilka Samaritian Ukraini (SSU)
Bogatyrska Str. 30
04655 Kiev

Tel.: +380 44 / 489 91 01
Fax: +380 44 / 462 53 66

E-Mail: kontakt@samariter.org.ua

Contact person:
Ms. Janina Lewkowska


Kyiv city, Ukraine