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საქართველოს სამარიტელთა კავშირი (SSK, Georgia)

SSKThe first registration of the Samaritan Association of Georgia (SSK) was carried out in 1992. Until 1997, the SSK was mainly active in the field of humanitarian aid and youth work and worked closely together with the Georgian country office of the ASB Federal association, but quit its activities due to economic pressure at the same time as the country office was closed. In November 2010, the official re-registration of the SSK was carried out as a local, independent, non-profit and non-religious non-government organisation.

In close cooperation with the newly established ASB country office in Georgia the activities of the SSK are to be linked with the future projects in the areas of “reeintegration of refugees ” and “disaster prevention”. One main focus of the SSK is on child and youth work. On 26th March 2011, at the initiative of the SSK, the ‘Samaritan Coalition Georgia’ was founded with the organisations Portagy and Georgian Association for the Care of Childrens Health (GACCH), both taking care of disabled and chronically ill children.

In addition, the SSK is involved in the elderly care and has set up in 2011 a mobile nursing service for 35 old, single people in one of the most problematic districts of Tbilisi. The project also comprises the creation of work places for the most disadvantaged people in the group of internally displaced persons. As a model project in Georgia, the service is funded and extended by the City Council as from 2012. Another mainstay of the SSK is the first-aid training.

საქართველოს სამარიტელთა კავშირი (SSK, Georgia)

President: Mikhail Mindadze

Director: Irina Kldiashvili

Sakartvelos Samariteta Kavshiri (SSK)
Samariterbund Georgien
Ilia Staatliche Universität; Giorgi Tsrereteli Strasse N3. R. 501,502

Tel: +995 322 238250

(German, English, Russian)

Tiflis, Georgien