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Alfa Centar (AC, Montenegro)

ac_foto-3The NGO ALPHA Centre was founded in October 2006. The goals of organizing the organization are to promote and represent the view that all citizens have the right to a peaceful, safe and dignified life regardless of sex, age, racial or political affiliation, level of education, profession and other differences.

The program’s activities are organized in four directions:

  • Analysis and research of civil-military relations and support to the processes of Montenegro’s membership in NATO and EU.
  • Traffic safety
  • Youth/volunteers programs
  • Programs in the local community

ac_foto-4We have Partnership and Cooperation Memoranda with the Government of Montenegro Ministry of Internal Affairs and Public Administration, Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Telecommunications and Police Directorate. Also, we won the Annual Volunteer Award for 2011. in the category of organizers of volunteer work.

ALPHA Centre have 60 members and 6 professional associates. The largest governing body is the Assembly that makes strategic decisions. The Executive Director is responsible for the implementation of all decisions. Program coordinators are responsible for the implementation of program activities. To date, 80 volunteers have applied for volunteer engagement.



Alfa Centar (AC, Montenegro)

Executive Director:
Milos Perovic

Alfa Centar
Serdara Jola Piletica 1
81 400 Niksic


Niksic, Opština Nikšić, Montenegro