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Pompiers Humanitaires Français (PHF, France)

Pompiers Humanitaires  (PHF) was initially created by a group of professional and volunteer firefighters in 2005 with the aim to share their experience with colleagues around the world in order to help populations in the event of humanitarian emergencies and to implement programs supporting civil protection systems.

The national headquarter of PHF is based in Saint Etienne, in the Loire region. With more than 120 volunteers, coming from different backgrounds and each with their own area of ​​expertise but with the common desire to help affected populations, PHF is an NGO recognized both nationally and internationally.

Since 2005, PHF has been carrying out the following activities :

  • Emergency missions to help populations affected by natural disasters,
  • Permanent programs to support civil protection systems,
  • Temporary reinforcement missions: initiated by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, these enable French firefighters to go and train their counterparts in different countries that have agreements with France and wish to structure their civil protection.
  • Civil protection seminars bringing together different stakeholders for exchanges and training in adapting to change, crisis management and command.



Pompiers Humanitaires Français (PHF, France)

Jérôme Giron

Pompiers Humanitaires Français
44, Rue de la Talaudière
42100 Saint Etienne




Saint-Étienne, Loire, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Metropolitan France, France