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Samarytañska Federacja Organizacji Pozarzadowych (SFOP, Poland)

SFOPThe Samaritan Federation of the Non-government Organisations (SFOP) is a voluntary association of autonomous non-government organisations, which was founded at the initiative of the Samaritan society in Zakliczyn on 5 September 2003. The field of activity of the federation is the territory of the Republic of Poland. The registered seat of the federation is Grabinastraße 11, 32-840 Zakliczyn, district of Tarnów. The federation has an own legal character.

The member organisations of the federation are active in all sectors where help is needed: In the work with disabled, help for old people, help for children and youths, in particular help for orphaned children and children from socially weak families, help for victims of natural and environmental disasters. The work is provided by 70 full-time employees and 22 volunteers.

The Samaritan Federation of the Non-government Organisations (SFOP) is a federation of the independent Samaritan organisations with around 320 members. To date it consists of an umbrella organisation and five member organisations: Samaritan society Johannes Paul II in Zakliczyn, Polish society for mentally disabled persons in Tarnów, voluntary fire service in Zakliczyn, society for help for children and families “Samarytanin” in Jasień near Brzesko, society of the friends of the home for mentally disabled women in Stróże near Zakliczyn. The main aim of the federation consists of providing the individual SFOP member organisations technical, training, information and material support. A further aim of the federation is to contribute to the importance of the work of non-government organisations, to extend their fields of activity and to improve their functional capability.

Samarytañska Federacja Organizacji Pozarzadowych (SFOP, Poland)

President: Małgorzata Chrobak
Samarytanska Federacja Organizacji Pozarzadowych (SFOP)
Grabina 11
P-32-840 Zakliczyn

Tel./Fax: +48 14 / 6652095
Tel./Fax: +48 14 / 6653631

E-Mail: sfop@sfop.org.pl

Contact for the Federation: Barbara Zychowska
Administrative Director

Languages: Polish, German

32-840 Gmina Zakliczyn, Polen