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Competence Centre First Aid

ecfirstaid_logoThe Competence Centre First Aid is the oldest permanent expert group of SAM.I., originally instituted as the “European Committee on First Aid Education” (EC First Aid) that was predominantly focused on maintaining the SAM.I. European First Aid Certificate.

Today, the CC First Aid still works on advancing recognition of first aid education across Europe, which remains one of its main political goals. The CC First Aid advocates for a learning result based system of first aid certification that should be recognized across the EU via the European Qualifications Framework, as First Aid is, for many professions, an obligatory part of vocational qualification.

The CC First Aid also makes needs-based initiatives for practical project collaborations among the SAM.I. organisations. In the past, this did for example help initialize the projects FACET, DIGIFIRSTAID or INFA.

As a result of the DIGIFIRSTAID project in particular, the CC First Aid is also the focal point of a knowledge network for e-learning in first aid education.

Another special task of the CC First Aid is the maintenance of the first aid guidelines for the Samaritan Contest.

The current lead of the Competence Centre is DPA.

The current definition of the SAM.I. European First Aid Certificate is available here.

For inquiries to the CC First Aid, please e-mail firstaid@samaritan-international.eu