Samaritan International is involved in numerous cross-border projects together with its member organizations. Typically, the member organizations, and sometimes third partners, provide their expertise in their fields of activity and Samaritan International is either in a coordinative role or has the task of collecting and focusing this expertise for a project initiated by other stakeholders. Most of the projects in recent years have been co-funded by programs of the European Commission.
Projects from 2018 or later:
SEE | “Social Cohesion by Empowering Volunteering during Emergencies” (SEE) is a project co-financed by the EU’s CERV program that works on joint emergency aid by qualified (“formal”) and spontaneous (“informal”) volunteers. Considering the ever increasing number of large-scale emergencies such as natural disasters in recent years, it is necessary to accept the aid of spontaneous volunteers and apply it in a meaningful way, without negatively affecting the recognition of the long-term engagement of organized volunteers who trained to work at a professional-equivalent level.
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INFA | „Inclusive First Aid“ (INFA) is an Erasmus+ project on improving first aid for persons with disabilities. With the expert support of several disabled persons’ organisations, the participating Samaritan organisations revisit existing practices in their first aid education for the target group and develop recommendations on how they could be transferred to other education providers interested in offering inclusive training in first aid.
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DIGIFIRSTAID | Digitalisation of First Aid Eduction (DIGIFIRSTAID) is an Erasmus+ co-financed best-practice exchange project on how to introduce e-learning or blended learning in an area of training that is, by its very nature, hands-on: First Aid training.
While practical exercise will never be entirely replaceable in first aid training, digital educational elements can still be beneficial to improve the quality of the training and the learning experience for the trainees. Also, exceptional situations prohibiting or severely restricting on-site training, such as the Covid-19 pandemic, have proven that certain fall-back options could be very useful in such contexts. In DIGIFIRSTAID, project partners active in first aid training get together to exchange their experience so far. Some of the partners have already introduced digital elements into their training systems, others have tried to do so prompted by the pandemic with mixed results. Some project partners have not yet had any specific attempts at digitalizing their first aid education, but see the benefits of doing so, and therefore wish to learn from the others. More information: |
I_TEM | Integrated Training in Emergency Management (I_TEM) is an Erasmus+ KA2 project in adult education.
The aim of the project is to explore the benefits of digital training elements or blended learning in an area that conventionally is very focused on hands-on training: volunteer training for emergency situations. I_TEM does not only focus civil protection volunteers, but bridges the gap between civil protection and the sphere of social services by involving a number of social service providers in the project. This is important because, in emergencies, the continued provision of social services to vulnerable groups is crucial and, at the moment, often overlooked or beyond the competences of civil protection aid workers and volunteers. More information: |
TECS | Training and Further Education in Care and Social Services was an Erasmus+ KA2 project in vocational education.
The project was a low-threshold best practice exchange with 9 SAM.I. members as full partners and an additional two from non-Erasmus-countries Georgia and Ukraine participating as associated partners. Over the course of the project, numerous visits to social services, particularly care institutions, of the partner organisations were conducted, where the consortium learned about training practices at the respective organisations and about the services themselves. More information: |
EMPACT | EMPACT – empowerment2act was an EU Aid Volunteers (EUAV) Capacity Building project. Several SAM.I. member organisations from EU countries with substantial experience in volunteer management in deployments abroad (ANPAS, DPA, WK) guided a larger group of organisations from non-EU countries (SAM.I. members AC, CDI, and IDC, but also additional partners from Eastern Africa CIDI (Uganda) and Jukumu Letu (Kenya) towards developing, codifying and implementing relevant standard operating procedures and policies to get ready for certification in EUAV.More information: |
FACET | First Aid, Civic Engagement, Training (FACET) was an Erasmus+ KA2 project in adult education that conducted a best practice exchange in how first aid education is done in different countries and how, as a typical field of activity for volunteers, it contributes to fostering civic engagement. Eight Samaritan organisations showed, learned about, and discussed first aid initiatives that ranged from training systems and concepts that were integrated with their respective volunteer management system to low-threshold but popular outreach programs such as awareness activities in schools. The project concluded with a train-the-trainer course in North Macedonia, that supported local partner CDI on their way to add first aid to their volunteering portfolio.More information: |