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SAMARITAN INTERNATIONAL demonstrates solidarity with Ukrainian Samaritans

Posted on | SAMARITAN INTERNATIONAL demonstrates solidarity with Ukrainian Samaritans

SAMARITAN INTERNATIONAL expresses its solidarity with their Ukrainian colleagues and all democratic political forces in Ukraine. The Ukrainian Samaritans (SSU) had to temporarily halt their activities in Kiev, due to the precarious security situation.

Because of the precarious situation in Ukraine, the meeting of the presidium on February 10 in Budapest had one extraodinary issue on their agenda. The members of the presidium attentively followed the developments in Ukraine with great concern and unanimously expressed their solidarity with the Ukrainian colleagues as well as all democratic political forces in Ukraine. SAM.I. advocates for peacefully building the civil society of Ukraine and to advance the unification of Europe on a social level.

Shutdown of social services

The elderly care service which is usually being offered by SSU had to be temporarily shut down last week. Patient transport had already been affected since the end of January. The recent quieting of the overall situation was used by SSU to bring the necessary care services, that so many elderly people depend on, up and running again.

Strengthening the Ukrainian civil society

Just recently the Ukrainian Samaritans and other NGOs had to fear new legislation which would have created very unfavourable conditions for civil society organisations by various means including additional taxation. Now, the experienced violent actions of security forces as well as the lack of openness to dialogue of the former president marked a terrifying low point for the erosion of democratic and civil principles as well as European values.

We hope that now, in the new political landscape of Ukraine, the creation of democratic civil society structures will be met with the appreciation and support it deserves.