Virtual TECS project meeting on 1 April 2021
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At the beginning of April the project partners of TECS met in a virtual meeting to discuss the Corona situation in their respective countries and how to further proceed with the project.
TECS is an Erasmus+ KA2 project on the exchange of best practices in care and related social services.
As the aim of TECS is to exchange best practices in the training of care personnel which includes physical visits to care facilities it was impossible to hold any project meetings since the outbreak of the pandemic. The TECS project was paused and postponed for a year.
Now, that many of the project partners are vaccinated and the situation hopefully is getting better, new plans for upcoming meetings were made. Depending on the situation the next meetings will be held from September on either physically, digitally or in a hybrid form. All the project partners are motivated and eager to continue the project as soon as possible.